Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Sono arrivato!

I made it!

Just about a week ago, I said a sad goodbye to Boston and took off to North Carolina in the midst of a blizzard. 5 days ago I went a lifetime best time in my 100 fly at ACCs and ate take-out pasta with my teammates in a hotel lobby. Today, I woke up for my second day of classes in Venice and am currently soaking up the sun on the island of San Servolo, home of my university.

On Sunday, when I arrived in Venice, two of my roommates, Kento from Japan and Tianyi, a Chinese student from Duke, were kind enough to come meet me at the bus station to bring me to our apartment. From there, I took my first vaparetto ride to the city where we dodged the Carnevale crowds with my suitcases. Between all the narrow streets and bridges, theres no way I would've found the place on my own!

My apartment sits right on a canal and I have a cute little room with a beautiful view of it. There is, however, a ton of boat traffic throughout the day and night (boats are way louder than cars in my opinion!) My direct roommate, Nada, is from Germany and my fifth roommate, Emma, is a sophomore from Duke.

Much more to come... I've barely had any time for myself in these last few days, as I've been following my roommates around everywhere they go because A) I will absolutely not be able to find the way to the apartment on my own just yet and B) the university "lost" my key the week before my arrival, so I can't get in by myself. Fingers crossed that when the owner of the apartment meets with us tonight she remembers to bring an extra key...
Because of this minor inconvenience, I haven't had the time to explore the city much on my own (or had the chance to get gelato!) I'm not all that concerned though, I have 3 more months to explore!

 The view from my window
 finally a bed to sleep in!
San Servolo, where VIU is located 

Not a bad commute 

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