Friday, June 20, 2014

Palladian Villas & the Veneto countryside

Finally got the chance to see the Veneto countryside on our last art and architecture field trip to the Palladian Villas. A group of about two dozen villas were build primarily by architect Andrea Palladio in the 1500s for the wealthiest Venetian families.

village of Asolo

ultimi giorni a Venezia

The most memorable thing I did during my entire semester in Venice was paddle boarding in the canals. Despite much skepticism from our friends and classmates, my roommate Emma and I finally decided to do it right before we left. 

We pulled the paddle boards out of our guide's apartment... she doesn't have a big operation going on

of course we got caught in boat traffic a few seconds after we got in the water...
We were terrified to fall in- or even get wet for that matter. We've heard horror stories of the diseases people get from falling into the canals. For centuries the city's sewage has been deposited right into the canal water...

This was definitely a better way to see Venice than a gondola! 
We were a spectacle to locals and tourists

finally got the hang of it!


Murano is an island off of Venice that specializes in glass making 

Fundamente Nova- the strand of bridges I ran a few days a week

Monday, June 2, 2014


After running through the streets of Venice at 5:15am, I managed to make my flight to Vienna and another to Prague. I'm not afraid of flying whatsoever but I'd never been on a prop plane before... sitting next to those propellers made my heart rate go up a bit

another one of those bridges

The John Lennon Wall

In my favorite color! 
Actually above Kelly it says RIP and 'stay human'
kind of creepy but whatever

Found some of my Parma friends' names onBoston Strong 

 St Vitus Cathedral
Some of the most unique stained glass I've ever seen

Golden Lane/ Zlatá ulička

Entrance to Prague Castle 

Kate and & loved Prague... it was the perfect way to finish off our semester of travels